ACT Together: fourth month of volunteering
EVS Volunteering. The month of June has been a busy month for the volunteers we have sent to Romania. In Băilești, Irene, Alberto and Cathaysa have not stopped doing things. Language classes, workshops, events with other organizations, etc. Classes end during the summer, but the activity continues in Băilești. From the host organization, ACT, they tell us in this chronicle, with video included, how was the month of June for our team.
The month of June began with an event to celebrate Children's Day on June 1 in one of the largest squares in the city, with the participation of ACT volunteers together, supported by colleagues from Action Changes Things, another group of volunteers who have another project in Asociatia Comunitati pentru Tineret. During this day, volunteers had the opportunity to give children and young people a day of joy and fun. Team games, dancing and the possibility of listening to music performed by some volunteers. And a wonderful video!
Since one of the objectives is to spread the Erasmus + opportunities as much as possible, the volunteers went to Bailesti, a small town in and around Craiova to spread the benefits that, as an experience as a volunteer, can change their lives to improve.
As an association that tries to promote teamwork and cooperation as ACT does, ACT Together was also part of some of the final activities of its Action Changing Things colleagues in their final moments with some of their beneficiaries. An opportunity to work with disadvantaged beneficiaries that gave them an idea of this particular community and an experience that they will surely use in the future.
Language classes are still offered for beneficiaries interested in a weekly schedule, with English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Greek and Georgian as an example. With these sessions, both volunteers and beneficiaries had improved personal skills that could be quite useful for both. Our talented volunteers also began to teach guitar lessons.
After establishing a good relationship between the entities, centers and beneficiaries of Bailesti, ACT Together held an event so that they could interact, entertain, share their work and ability to provide such a wonderful opportunity for the beneficiaries that they could be, to volunteer.
With the summer period and the consequent start of school vacations, volunteers also begin to initiate personal development activities and work with a more eclectic community, such as the Lumina Aripi social center, where they implement activities today , an institution that works for young people from families with few resources.
By helping children learn to swim and rejoice in an environment that a pool can provide, it also gave them the opportunity to improve some opportunities for children to have beautiful moments together. Responsibility, sensory support and pedagogical skills are just some of the skills that help them develop.
More surprises will arrive until the end of the project and the motivation to achieve the objectives will not stop!
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