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Testimonio Nuria y Laura | 29 y 18 años

¡Os presentamos a Nuria y a Laura, nuestras SVE's en Zagorje, Eslovenia! Partieron hace unos meses para participar en el proyecto New Kids on the Block a través de Mundus, y han decidido plasmar su experiencia en un blog, donde hablan de cómo es vivir en otro país y de todo lo que hacen allí. Os dejamos una de las entradas de su página personal para que podáis conocerlas un poco más.

"Keep calm and love Zagorje:

I wrote in the last blog about the people who live here and about the “magical atmosphere”. Now I know that was true.

First of all I would like to write about the people. I make friends almost every day, everyone wants to know me and they make an effort to understand my English or how I said: “Nurenglish”. I don’t feel as a foreign here because I have met good people who ask me to go out and I am also in contact with the other volunteers in Slovenia. Few weeks ago all the volunteers in Slovenia were on the arrival training, it was amazing! We did activities on the day and we had really fun parting on the beach every night.

What to say about the “magical atmosphere”? I am traveling around Slovenia, visiting towns, mountains and everything is fantastic but when I come back to Zagorje I feel something special, these mountains have good energy for me. For example, one day me and my partner in this adventure, Laura, were in Ljubljana during day and night because we missed the train to Zagorje and we were exhausted. But when we arrived to Zagorje, we felt calm and peace. It was like we are at home."


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